The Introvertpreneur podcast is the ultimate podcast for introverted entrepreneurs! It will help you build a sustainable, ethical, and authentic business, without doing things you don’t want to do.

Digital Marketing Podcast for Introverts

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"This podcast is so full of gems! No fluff! I get so much out of it each week. Practical and real business advice plus reminders to show up as I truly am. I love it!"

"This podcast is a godsend for anyone who feels like so much common business advice is not compatible with their energy level or personality as an introvert!"

"An amazing resource to listen to for all introvert entrepreneurs working online! Some great tips that will help you build your business without having to be something you’re not. Can’t wait for more :)"

"Tara is an amazing resource on how to be a super star business owner and introvert guru at the same time. She gives you great tips and perspective to implement in your business.

... and a sustainable business!

A FUN business

Introvert-friendly tips

Entrepreneur advice

Real business stories

a podcast for the introverted entrepreneurs who want:

primarily female, entrepreneurs & listened to in over 52 different countries


an award-winning podcast loved by all introverts who find it

Top Podcast

Andréa Jones, Melissa Litchfield, Christina Jones

Featured Guests

I’m really excited about the guest I have on the podcast today as she really is so clever with her words, offers and just business generally. I genuinely don’t have a training or product from her that I don’t think was worth the money. Joining me today is Laura Robinson, who is a marketing mentor […]

We’ve all experienced a sales page that made us feel uncomfortable, or read some copy that explained to us why we’re failing as a business owner, in an attempt to make us feel bad enough to get us to purchase something! This is the exact reason that ethical marketing has developed – making your potential […]

Us introverts often struggle with feeling like we need to show up in certain ways to match extroverts’ energies – for example, through dancing on reels, creating long-form video content or going to in person networking events. These often make us feel uncomfortable and awkward, so we aren’t able to show up as our best […]

If you’re a business owner who’s finding that you’re busy all day, every day, but don’t seem to be growing your income or getting the results you want, you might just want to take a look at what you’re actually doing day-to-day, and what the underlying thought pattern you have is. For today’s guest, it […]

Us service providers are really special people – we love to make our clients happy and feel that they got great value for their money – however, we often do that to our detriment, working way too many hours, at times we don’t want to, losing our weekends and the freedom that we so desperately […]

One common complaint I hear from introverts when they are told to share more of themselves or their stories online is that they feel like their lives are too boring and no one will be interested in what they have to say. This couldn’t be further from the truth! In this episode, you’ll hear me […]

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I've been a multi-passionate online entrepreneur since 2007 and I am a bit obsessed with marketing methods that feel good. At the start of my business journey, I focused on all of the things I was told I 'had to do in order to find success'.

But that's crap. There are ways to create a business that feels good and authentic - not stressful, overwhelming, and un-fun. My goal with the podcast is to help introverts build a business that focuses on their strengths and that they love.

ceo, business coach and educator helping other introverts learn how to build an introvert-friendly business they love.

I'm Tara! The introverted entrepreneur who loves marketing.

Meet your Podcast host.

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I love connecting with experts and sharing their knowledge with my audience! Fill out the application form below, and when I’m booking more guests, I will reach out if it’s a good fit.

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