If you’ve listened to the very first episode of this podcast, you’ll know that I recommend four marketing methods for introverts – blogging, Pinterest, social media content and the subject of today’s episode – email marketing. I’ve always been a big advocate for building and connecting with your email list and I think it’s definitely […]

Emails With Impact: Crafting Emails That Connect With Your Audience


I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve been struggling a bit recently with coming up with ideas for solo podcast episodes (suggestions are gratefully welcomed!), but when the idea for today’s episode came to me, I knew I’d landed on a great one! A huge part of my business and the way I like to […]

Getting Out Of Content Consumption Overload With Summits, Virtual Events, and Bundles


If you listened to my episode at the start of the year, “Season 3 of the Podcast and My 2023 Updates”, you’ll know that I’ve been writing a book! As my podcast is one of my favorite parts of my business, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to allow you a sneak peek […]

Accepting Yourself as an Introvert


I thought I would share the 11 entrepreneurs I’m loving right now. These are the people whose emails I always open and are the first people I think of when it comes to certain aspects of a business.

11 Entrepreneurs I Love & Am Paying Attention to in 2023


This episode has been inspired by a consistent theme throughout the years, that even though I’ve had success, I still find sales hard and selling does not come naturally to me. I’m sure so many of you out there can relate and so I wanted to share some thoughts I had recently around why we […]

The Biggest Thing That Is Costing You Sales and More Money


I’ve hosted several virtual summits at this point, including the Freelance Revenue Boost virtual summit and the annual Introvertpreneur virtual summit. One thing is for sure, creating and hosting a virtual summit is a huge project but so much fun! If you are thinking about hosting a virtual summit of your own, then keep reading; this blog post is just for you.

Ultimate Guide: Hosting a Virtual Summit

Business, Marketing

If there’s anything I can guarantee my audience hates, it’s pushy, icky, sleazy sales tactics. Thankfully, more and more people seem to be abandoning these techniques and moving towards a much more ethical way of marketing and carrying out sales calls. Additionally, gone is the idea of just “deciding to be more extroverted” – there […]

Ethical & Trauma-Informed Marketing Plus LinkedIn Tips with Haley Johnson

Business, Marketing, Podcast

The term “upsells” is one of those that you often hear thrown around, but you might not be sure what it actually means. You might be asking yourself “what is an upsell, and is it different to a bump offer?” “What sort of offer makes a good upsell?”. On the other hand, you might be […]

Unleashing Upsells to Make More Money and Thank Your Customers with Dama Jue

Business, Marketing, Podcast

We’re back with another coffee chat episode, and today’s is jam-packed with a lot of different topics, so you’ll be sure to find something that interests you! We start off with why we’re loving our coffee chats and the reason it’s so important to have a business bestie to vent to, bounce ideas off of […]

June Coffee Chat with Julie & Tara: Product Revamps, $9 Offers and Staying On Top of It All

Business, Podcast

If you’ve been around a while, you might know that ClickUp is my go-to favorite tool to use in my business as it helps to keep me organized – it’s a bit of a life saver, as I’m very forgetful and have ADHD, so I need my platforms to help me keep track of things! […]

Strategic Planning and ClickUp Tips & Tricks with Meagan Beltekoglu

Business, Podcast, Productivity

I’m a content creator, graphic designer, marketing strategist, SEO specialist, website designer, sales funnel strategist, Pinterest manager, and business coach all rolled into one.

Told you it was a lot of titles!

I love helping service providers who want to start, grow, or scale their business in a more sustainable way. I am big on authentic marketing, stress-free personality-driven strategies, and focusing on what brings you joy.

I’m also the founder of The Introvertpreneur Club, a monthly membership for introverted entrepreneurs, and the business-focused podcast, Introvertpreneur.

entrepreneur since 2007. I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, have built several successful businesses, and worn many different hats.

I'm Tara! Multi-passionate, introvert, lover of (almost all things) marketing.

Meet your business & marketing coach

Basically, I'm a creative unicorn who loves all the things and isn't going to apologize for it.

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

The training vault contains on-demand access to several trainings and presentations around growing your business and creating additional revenue streams.

the training vault library

Want to learn the 4 marketing methods that work best for most introverts + how to use them effectively to grow your business? This free webinar covers it all.

market your business as an introvert

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