So, you have taken the plunge and decided to pursue a business as a Virtual Assistant or Freelancer! You have done all the research, built a Facebook Page, updated your employment status on Social Media. Now what… you need to find your dream clients!
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That little thing called clients. How do you put yourself out there to find clients, not only to build your portfolio, but also to get paid. To keep the lights on, food in your belly and be able to grow.

Now, are there a multitude of ways to do this, definitely! But the biggest thing you can do is slow down and start simple. The K.I.S.S. method as it were. Nothing has to be expensive or complicated. Here are 3 beginner steps to consider to find and land your dream clients:
Step 1: Talk about you!
It is just that simple. Start by talking about your skills. On Facebook, at your next parent’s meeting or networking event. Talk about what you do. If you can, put examples out there of what you are doing. Especially if you want to break into the blogging/writing or social media management role.
Just by talking about it, will help to not only get awareness out there, but also make it easier for you to take ownership of your amazing first steps.
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Step 2: Promote Yourself
Promote yourself, sounds simple. It is! It doesn’t have to cost money up front. Have you taken out an Online Classified ad (Kijijji or Craigslist)? Have you been in your Facebook groups where you could watch for #jobopps and apply that way? You could just put a plain old post, linking back to your Facebook Page or Website, saying that you are taking your XX years of experience to the entrepreneurial sector and taking on clients! Don’t forget to update your LinkedIn! There are some amazing opportunities to network and get your services out there on that platform as well.
The choice is yours! It can be as simple or as difficult as you make it. Before spending big dollars, start small. Then move on to Facebook Ads etc.
Step 3: This one could be a harder one, but definitely worth it….
Networking Events. Free networking events. Every community has them, in fact some communities have an app to know where they are! As much as it can feel stressful, once you get involved with these organizations, you never know who you might connect with (even personally) and learn more from or learn who to talk to!
As you get more comfortable, there are some great networking events that are more relaxed. Drink and Network, Breakfast/Lunch Learning Sessions and more. It doesn’t mean you have to just network, just being around others could also be what your business needs.
So these are just a few ideas to implement, there are plenty of resources (free and otherwise) that are available to you at any time!
Welcome to Entrepreneurship, my friend! It’s a wild ride, but definitely worth it.