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Hi, I'm Tara! I'm a multi-passionate business and marketing coach.
Digital products or offers can be such a beneficial resource for your business and your audience. In the online space, there is so much noise and information about launching and creating digital offers for your business. Still, I want to share my knowledge with you as someone with 46 digital offers available for their business. If it’s not obvious, I love creating offers and content, so today, I want to look at digital products as a whole, brainstorm your offers, and ask questions to begin asking yourself as you create digital products for your business.
There are a few best practices when figuring out what type of digital product or offer to create and what topic you want to cover. I recommend you do these four things.
The most impactful way to brainstorm and create your digital offer is by doing market research. It’s a valuable tool for determining your audience’s wants and needs based on their current struggles. Then, you can generate and brainstorm new ideas for moving forward with creating your digital product or offer.
Many people conduct market research calls, but that’s not something I typically do as an introvert. To get information from my ideal audience, I do market research surveys. They have been so helpful in learning what my audience is currently struggling with. You can either do a broader survey or a niched-down survey depending on where you are with your digital product. The comprehensive, more general survey is used when your main goal is to get a broader idea of your audience as a whole, like who they are, what they do, what they’re struggling with, and what their goals are for the next 12 months.
The more niched-down survey is great if you already have the beginning idea of a digital product or a topic of a digital product in terms of the questions you’re asking. You just want to get ideas from your audience on how to structure it, market it, and message it. You always want to ensure that you include everything they’re going to need, which will help them.
The second way you can determine types of offers or digital products to create is through competitor research. Along with doing market research, I love doing competitor research and do it often. When I know I am about to finalize a new idea, I will do competitor research to see if there is anything similar out there for what I am creating. I want to see what other price points are, how people are messaging their product, payment plan options, and what’s included so that I can see if I have anything missing from my offer to tailor to my specific audience. The insights you get about the market for offers already out there are super helpful.
I will caution you about not letting yourself get stuck in competitor research mode. I have found myself doing too much research in the past and questioning if my offer was a good idea, to begin with. A healthy way of conducting competitor research that I have found helpful is to set a time limit for your research, and from the similar offers you see, put any notes you have into a Google doc from your competitors’ sales page. This will keep you from going back to their page over and over to then criticize your own idea.
Set that healthy boundary and conduct competitor research in a way that is helpful for you in creating your digital offers and products.
The third way to help you when getting ideas for your digital product or offer is to listen to your audience. Of course, you do this with market research already, but I want you to listen to your audience before you send out those market research surveys.
Likewise, if you create a digital offer for your audience but don’t know what they need, it is time to pay attention to your audience to get some idea of what they need from you. What I mean by this concept is that if you are getting emails and questions on social media about something they are struggling with, start keeping track of those questions or statements.
Sometimes with these questions coming to you, you will begin to see things from a different light, like maybe you haven’t thought about ‘said struggle or result’ before. I like to keep a running Google doc of notes and interesting things that people have told me in a social media comment before as a way to help me brainstorm at a later date.
You may even create something specifically just for them, or this could be a new ideal person you didn’t think about when brainstorming last time. It will help get your creative juices flowing on new ideas for digital offers.
The fourth way to figure out and brainstorm ideas for digital products and offers is to look at your data – dive deeper into it. This might be true for my audience as introverts; we get fewer replies or comments on posts, emails, etc. than most people. On the other hand, I know people are watching my content because they are saving, sharing, and reading through it. So I may not get much interaction from those areas, but that is where the data comes in.
You can look at which blog posts are getting the most views, which emails are getting the most opens and clickthrough rates, and what social media posts are getting the most views or saves because that will give you an excellent understanding of the content that is driving your audience and their interests.
If you see a post about setting client boundaries and people are saving and commenting on it like crazy, that is a good indicator that people are struggling with this. Based on your content, you can see about creating a workshop around that topic to help people better set those boundaries with clients.
Not only can you create more content around this topic, but you also want to think about ways to create those digital offers and products. You can get really good insights from your data for basically anything in your business, especially anything your audience wants and needs, so you can begin helping them with those struggles.
I want to now talk about what many people struggle with when it comes to creating offers – what type of digital product or offer to create. Once you have your digital offer idea, you need to plan how to deliver the offer to your ideal audience. There are four questions that I want you to ask yourself that will support you in figuring out what kind of digital product to create.
If you want to train people on how to set up their ThriveCart tripwire, you may not want to do that in a live interactive workshop. It could be boring for someone to sit there for two hours to watch me set up live.
It’s also a good idea not to do text-related content because tech constantly changes. It would be hard to keep up with the changes, and it’s not the most friendly way to get a tech tutorial across. This offer may be better as an evergreen workshop or training tutorial.
You need to consider what else they may need to be included in this offer aside from helping them set up a tripwire in ThriveCart. That could be a template, including a bonus template, or bonus Canva mock-up templates to use within the ThriveCart template to start fleshing out the items that will increase the value of your initial idea and digital product or offer even more.
When you ask yourself this question, and you already have plenty of offers but want to figure out where to fit this offer in your current offer suite, then it’s time to figure out a plan of how to get them to work together. Then, once you have the structure you want and what you want to include to help give your ideal audience the best transformation, it’s time to put these offers to action in a way that fits into your business regarding your value ladder.
For that ThriveCart tripwire training, that would be a good offer that could lead to, for my example, my Evergreen Sales Funnel Accelerator, a live six-week program. That would be a perfect, smaller-priced offer leading to that live program. It gives you a quick win with the ThriveCart product, showing someone how to set up their tripwire. I might provide a template to make it easier, and then what’s the next step?
They may want to get their entire funnel finalized and completed, or they may want to make their offers even better. That’s where I could lead them into that group program, Evergreen Sales Funnel Accelerator, and make those offers fit together. So again, it’s important to consider your current offer suite and how things can work together.
Another question you need to ask yourself is what makes sense for your audience and how they learn things best.
The best way to understand what your audience loves is to test different types of offers. Then you can begin to use that data to make new products work in the best way for your audience. Whether that’s a live workshop or evergreen training, maybe your audience likes bite-sized short videos instead of having to rewatch a two-hour workshop.
They might even love the option of having a podcast audio feed that they could listen to. It depends on your audience, so consider that as you’re brainstorming and mapping out new offers.
The last question you want to ask yourself is what makes sense for you.
What format do you like creating your offers in? There are live workshops and evergreen content, just to name a few, and whatever you choose is totally up to you and what best fits your ideal audience’s needs. We need to consider not only our audience but also our strengths, how we work best, and how we will be able to best deliver the training and resources that our audience needs to get the results that we want them to get. We need to think about ourselves during this process as well because we don’t want to have to do something in a format that will not feel good to us, our business, or our personality.
As you begin to structure these offers, you should be asking yourself questions like:
When I do my paid live workshops, for example, I don’t feel like launching it publicly and promoting it for some months. Sometimes I just launch it to my membership instead. Eventually, it may become an evergreen product available to everyone, but if I don’t feel like having 50 to 100 people on a live training, I will launch it to my membership, as I said. If I didn’t have a membership, I wouldn’t do live training at all. I would record the training and put it out as an evergreen digital product. So there are ways to make offers work for you and your audience.
I mentioned briefly that I host a monthly PTL or paid live training, so I want to share more about this example of what I can do regarding digital offers. The terminology comes from Elizabeth Goddard, by the way. When I do these paid live pieces of training, the members inside my Introvertpreneur Club membership automatically get access to these. If I launch it publicly, you can join for usually $47 if you aren’t a member of the Introvertpreneur Club. That is one offer. Then I can take the PLTs and turn them into mini-courses or evergreen workshops. Once I have enough of these paid live trainings, I can start bundling them into a new offer.
There are many ways to make one offer and turn it into multiple opportunities for new offers, revenue, and formats. You don’t have to create every single new offer from scratch. That would be exhausting. I hope this episode was valuable for you in getting through a few of the most critical topics when thinking about creating new digital products and offers. Definitely start a Google document for notes, comments, and thoughts from your audience as they come up.
I’d love to hear from you as you start brainstorming + creating digital products and offers. To continue the discussion on digital products and offers, we will dive deeper into next week’s episode on digital products and offers, how they can work together, and creating a value ladder of offers.
[1:57] The best ways to begin brainstorming and creating your digital products and offers
[11:09] 4 questions to ask yourself before actively creating your digital offers to make sure you’re on the right track
[18:02] One example of how I format one offer into bundle offers
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