The power of digital downloads, freebies, and ebooks are a growing commodity as a digital entrepreneur – even as a service provider. It allows you the opportunity to take a problem you are seeing that you are an authority on and allowing it to become a potential source of income – starting as a digital […]

How to Figure Out Which Digital Product You Should Create

Digital Products, Marketing, Small Business Tips

In today’s episode, we are going to cover Kerri’s background, how your money mindset impacts your decision-making, how Kerri works with clients as an introvertpreneur in her coaching business, passive income streams, and more that will help you with your finances.

Strategic Money Mindset with Kerri Jackson

Business, Podcast

Deciding to become a virtual assistant and pivoting from my 6-figure jewelry business was the best decision I could have ever made. Almost anyone can become a virtual assistant that has the freedom to work from anywhere. That’s truly the beauty of our field and the online business space. If you want to become a […]

The Ultimate Guide – How to Start a Successful Virtual Assistant Business

Virtual Assistant Tips

Writing a great blog post is one thing, but it doesn’t stop there. After you’ve written your blog post, you need to properly format it into your WordPress to look satisfying to the person reading it. When you format your WordPress blog post, there are some basic steps you need to keep in mind. These […]

How to Format your WordPress Blog Post for Great Results

Blogging, Content Marketing

In this episode, Natalia and I are diving deep to discuss her journey into how she started and got to where she is in her business, masculine and feminine energies for each day of the week, pivoting in business, owning your power, and many other juicy topics. 

Building an Authentic and Empowering Business with Natalia Komis

Business, Podcast

In this episode, Emily and I are talking about what got her started with podcasting, how to find the courage to start your own podcast, your comfort level with podcasting, the benefits of launching your own podcast, and much more.

Launching a Podcast as an Introvert with Emily Milling

Business, Podcast

I have been an entrepreneur full-time since 2015, and I actually launched my first business in 2007. I have learned so many things over the years about growing and running a business. I have run a physical product business and I have run three service-based businesses. One of the most important things to realize, that […]

13 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Service-Based Business

Business, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

I’m about to drop the truth bomb. Are you ready?! Social media is one of the most time-consuming activities we do on a daily basis. I know, no surprise there, but it’s so true! Having a business comes with a long to-do list that you, as a business owner, have to deal with all the […]

5 Best Social Media Platforms for Scheduling and Planning Your Content

Marketing, Social Media Tips

In this episode, we are going to talk about how Erin got started, her best SEO tips, the point in her life she actually felt successful in her business, and her SEO course for shop owners. If you’ve been struggling with how to give your business visibility, then this episode will be great for you!

Simplified SEO with Erin Alexander

Podcast, SEO Tips and Tricks

Are you trying to grow your email list but feel stuck not seeing the results you expected? Keep reading, this blog post is for you.  One of the main reasons why email marketing is beneficial for you is the fact that it’s an ever-growing list that’s not going anywhere. If your social media profile gets […]

The 5 Best Ways to Grow Your Email List

Business, Content Marketing, Marketing, Small Business Tips

I’m a content creator, graphic designer, marketing strategist, SEO specialist, website designer, sales funnel strategist, Pinterest manager, and business coach all rolled into one.

Told you it was a lot of titles!

I love helping service providers who want to start, grow, or scale their business in a more sustainable way. I am big on authentic marketing, stress-free personality-driven strategies, and focusing on what brings you joy.

I’m also the founder of The Introvertpreneur Club, a monthly membership for introverted entrepreneurs, and the business-focused podcast, Introvertpreneur.

entrepreneur since 2007. I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, have built several successful businesses, and worn many different hats.

I'm Tara! Multi-passionate, introvert, lover of (almost all things) marketing.

Meet your business & marketing coach

Basically, I'm a creative unicorn who loves all the things and isn't going to apologize for it.

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

The training vault contains on-demand access to several trainings and presentations around growing your business and creating additional revenue streams.

the training vault library

Want to learn the 4 marketing methods that work best for most introverts + how to use them effectively to grow your business? This free webinar covers it all.

market your business as an introvert

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