As you might know already, I left Instagram a while ago and it was one of the best things I could have done for my business and mental health! I don’t feel like there are many of us around who have left social media and still felt like we were having success in our businesses, […]

If Letting Go Of Social Media Marketing Is Right For You with Robyn Graham


Black Friday is one of my favorite times of the year – I know some people hate it, but I just love seeing all the amazing deals that come out! I am, however, aiming to be more intentional where I’m spending my money so I will definitely need to have a budget this year. As […]

Planning a Successful Black Friday Sale or Promo


“What if I told you that 80 percent of your stress could be eliminated with a solid documentation structure?” is a quote from today’s guest, and is the basis of today’s podcast episode about being able to leave hustle culture and run your business with ease. If you’ve ever tried to hire a team member […]

SOPs and Business Operations the Lazy Way with Adriana Richardson


Every time I have to make a decision in my business, social anxiety rears its head. It can be so difficult as an entrepreneur with social anxiety to manage how I show up for my business and put energy into tasks when they have a social aspect to them. I’ve shared before that I don’t […]

How My Social Anxiety Changes How I Show Up as an Entrepreneur


We all know that as service providers, we can really easily get bogged down in the day-to-day running of our businesses – usually that’s getting stuck into client work and never managing to spend time on our own business or the “big picture work”. The way to solve this issue is easy on paper – […]

CEO Days as a Powerful Growth Method with Ashley Kang


For the eagle eyed among you, you might have spotted we haven’t released an episode in September! The reason being: two episodes a week is a LOT of extra content – depending on the month, that’s between eight and ten episodes! In this short “welcome back” episode, I’m explaining why I felt the need to […]

Why I Took a Podcast Break to Recharge


There’s a good chance you found me online via a summit – whether it was one I hosted, such as the Introvertpreneur Summit, or one that I participated in as a speaker. I absolutely love summits and they have hands down been the one thing that grew my business the fastest! They are also amazing […]

Hosting a Successful and Profitable Virtual Summit with Krista Miller


I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m always getting asked how I manage to get so much done, how I create so much content and how I have so many offers! I decided I wanted to dive really deep into this and give you all a proper answer, so buckle up! There’s a lot of techniques […]

How I Create So Many Offers and Pieces of Content


As someone with ADHD, a multi-passionate and who has lots of different revenue streams and a ton of different offers, products and events, I can definitely relate to the common feeling in business of “not knowing what to do next”. Sometimes I still struggle with deciding what to work on, but over my years in […]

How to Figure Out What to Focus On Next


If you’ve ever received a cold DM on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll probably have felt a little uncomfortable about it. But did you know that on LinkedIn, cold DMs are welcomed, and even often get great responses? That’s why it might be time for you to start incorporating LinkedIn into your marketing strategy. You’ll find […]

How to Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation with Nickia Walker


I’m a content creator, graphic designer, marketing strategist, SEO specialist, website designer, sales funnel strategist, Pinterest manager, and business coach all rolled into one.

Told you it was a lot of titles!

I love helping service providers who want to start, grow, or scale their business in a more sustainable way. I am big on authentic marketing, stress-free personality-driven strategies, and focusing on what brings you joy.

I’m also the founder of The Introvertpreneur Club, a monthly membership for introverted entrepreneurs, and the business-focused podcast, Introvertpreneur.

entrepreneur since 2007. I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, have built several successful businesses, and worn many different hats.

I'm Tara! Multi-passionate, introvert, lover of (almost all things) marketing.

Meet your business & marketing coach

Basically, I'm a creative unicorn who loves all the things and isn't going to apologize for it.

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

The training vault contains on-demand access to several trainings and presentations around growing your business and creating additional revenue streams.

the training vault library

Want to learn the 4 marketing methods that work best for most introverts + how to use them effectively to grow your business? This free webinar covers it all.

market your business as an introvert

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