With the beginning of any entrepreneurial journey, it all ends with you. You started the business; you are the Accountant/Marketing/Customer Service department head plus head of purchasing, sourcing, etc. plus sometimes web designer and so many other hats. As a business owner, you have to realize that doing this for the long term is inevitably […]

How to Make Room in Your Budget for a Virtual Assistant

Business, Small Business Tips

Let me start with the fact that most entrepreneurs aren’t clear about their ideal client, so you are definitely not the only one trust me! Figuring out who your ideal client is can be challenging, especially at the beginning of your business. Many of us might feel like working with anyone for the sake of […]

How to Figure Out Who Your Ideal Client Is

Business, Content Marketing, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

So you decided that you need help. Congratulations! That is the first step needed to keep your business expanding! Now, I’m sure you are scowering the Facebook groups, job boards, and pinging your other entrepreneur friends to get some advice and leads! That is definitely a great start, now to the next step – actually […]

Debunking Myths About Working with Virtual Assistants

Business, Small Business Tips

Instagram. It is a huge platform for not only personal sharing of your daily adventures, but it is also a huge opportunity for business owners to get their knowledge out and to better market their product/service. Another benefit is that it lets their clients learn a little more about them to be able to engage […]

5 Best FREE Apps to Use for Instagram

Social Media Tips

At some point, in any business, even as a Virtual Assistant – you reach a growth point where it seems most sensible to outsource some help. Even my own. What that new relationship looks like, is up to the goals you have set and the budget you can work with.  Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant […]

How Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

Small Business Tips

Are you good at managing your time or are you getting easily distracted? One thing that is very valuable when having a small business is TIME. To be successful, we need to use our time effectively and decide what the priorities are. Everyone has 24 hours a day and it’s only up to you, what […]

Daily Time Management Hacks to Keep Your Small Business Successful

Business, Productivity, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

Time Management, the crux of any business owner. How do you parse out your day/week to get “all the things” done? Now, this doesn’t mean you have to be chained to your desk/office to do this. Sometimes, this comes down to working at times called your “twilight” hours.  These are traditionally hours where your brain […]

How to Make Time Management Work for You, Not Against You

Business, Productivity, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

Try to answer this! How many Facebook groups are you a member of? Come up with a rough number. Got it? Okay, now how many of these Facebook groups are you active in? The answer could be either that you are consistently engaging with people or you are only a member of the group with […]

Networking and How to be Seen When Interacting in Facebook Groups

Marketing, Social Media Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

Is your business earning some money but you would like to have a passive source of income onside? Amazon is a great choice, especially if you have a blog or website that you can use for promoting Amazon products in your blog posts or articles. The affiliate program is based on commission between 1-10% that you […]

How to Make Money as an Amazon Affiliate

Blogging, Content Marketing, Marketing

When you hear the words “Multipassionate Entrepreneur” – to some it means a lack of focus but to me, it means a person who embraces all possibilities and follows their heart and mind to the best opportunities! Now, this can look very different from one person to the next, but usually being a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur […]

How to Succeed as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

Business, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

I’m a content creator, graphic designer, marketing strategist, SEO specialist, website designer, sales funnel strategist, Pinterest manager, and business coach all rolled into one.

Told you it was a lot of titles!

I love helping service providers who want to start, grow, or scale their business in a more sustainable way. I am big on authentic marketing, stress-free personality-driven strategies, and focusing on what brings you joy.

I’m also the founder of The Introvertpreneur Club, a monthly membership for introverted entrepreneurs, and the business-focused podcast, Introvertpreneur.

entrepreneur since 2007. I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, have built several successful businesses, and worn many different hats.

I'm Tara! Multi-passionate, introvert, lover of (almost all things) marketing.

Meet your business & marketing coach

Basically, I'm a creative unicorn who loves all the things and isn't going to apologize for it.

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

The training vault contains on-demand access to several trainings and presentations around growing your business and creating additional revenue streams.

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Want to learn the 4 marketing methods that work best for most introverts + how to use them effectively to grow your business? This free webinar covers it all.

market your business as an introvert

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