Have you ever wondered how your favorite instagrammer is having tens or hundreds of comments under every single picture? And how come you get hardly one or two? You might need to think about writing more engaging Instagram captions that capture attention! Let me explain! Instagram is a very visual platform, but the caption is […]

How to Write More Engaging Instagram Captions

Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Tips

Entrepreneurs…. Have you had a Business Coach or Accountability Partner that has asked you if you have set your business goals? Is your reply “why? I know what needs to be done, why go through the process of writing them down!?” The usual response from our Business Coaches/Accountability Partners would be – by not taking […]

5 Reasons Why You Need to be Setting Business Goals

Business, Productivity, Small Business Tips

The definition of an introvert is “a shy, reticent person” or someone who prefers to keep things private, this is the hardest quality to overcome as an introverted business owner. Knowing that you have to interact, advertise and promote yourself and your business or it will never take off. When it comes to Social Media, […]

Social Media Tips for Introverted Business Owners

Marketing, Social Media Tips

Welcome to the world of Freelancing or Virtual Assisting. You have taken the plunge and opened up a business that services such a wide variety of clients, the doors opened are endless. The potential for success and cash flow is limitless. But, as a Freelancer or Virtual Assistant, have you set boundaries with your clients […]

Saying No as a New Freelancer or Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant Tips

If there would be a choice, I think almost everyone would want to work from home! You can stay in your PJ’s all day, no need to go anywhere, you can stay with your kids or your cat and just work in the comfort of your home! Right, so idealistic! However, many people don’t see […]

How to Stay Motivated When Working from Home

Productivity, Small Business Tips, Virtual Assistant Tips

Everyone wants Instagram followers right? Let’s face it, Instagram is a great way to find new leads and potential customers for your small business. You created an Instagram business account in hopes of showing how awesome your business is while finding people who love your brand almost as much as you do. You’ve tried posting […]

Why Do You Keep Losing Instagram Followers?

Marketing, Small Business Tips, Social Media Tips

Welcome to my 4th freelance and blogging income report for November 2019. Previous Income Reports: October 2019 – $9584.39 Revenue September 2019 – $6300.75 Revenue August 2019 – $5397.25 Revenue I thought a lot about whether or not I wanted to publish a monthly freelance and blogging income report but after thinking about the pros […]

November 2019 – Freelance and Blogging Income Report

Blogging, Virtual Assistant Tips

Self-care is important, especially as an entrepreneur or small business owner. When you’re starting your own business, you feel you need to work extra hard to get your first clients or buyers. At the beginning of the business you need to set up so many different things, you are learning a lot and therefore it’s […]

How Prioritizing Self-Care Leads to Increased Productivity

Self Care and Development, Small Business Tips

As a CEO you know how important your time is. For entrepreneurs, time is literally money and making the most of the day means you need to have good systems in place, effective team players and a go-getter attitude. Hiring a virtual assistant means you can focus on your favorite business tasks and your zone […]

Hiring A Virtual Assistant To Increase Your Productive Capacity

Business, Productivity, Small Business Tips

When it comes to running your business, you have all the tools you think you need. The product supplies to create your service/product, the administrative tools (accounting software, protocols on the sales method, payroll, computers, shelving, etc) and your location (whether it’s a physical or digital product i.e. Shopify) to sell your product or service. […]

Why Your Small Business Needs a Marketing Budget

Business, Small Business Tips

I’m a content creator, graphic designer, marketing strategist, SEO specialist, website designer, sales funnel strategist, Pinterest manager, and business coach all rolled into one.

Told you it was a lot of titles!

I love helping service providers who want to start, grow, or scale their business in a more sustainable way. I am big on authentic marketing, stress-free personality-driven strategies, and focusing on what brings you joy.

I’m also the founder of The Introvertpreneur Club, a monthly membership for introverted entrepreneurs, and the business-focused podcast, Introvertpreneur.

entrepreneur since 2007. I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, have built several successful businesses, and worn many different hats.

I'm Tara! Multi-passionate, introvert, lover of (almost all things) marketing.

Meet your business & marketing coach

Basically, I'm a creative unicorn who loves all the things and isn't going to apologize for it.

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

The training vault contains on-demand access to several trainings and presentations around growing your business and creating additional revenue streams.

the training vault library

Want to learn the 4 marketing methods that work best for most introverts + how to use them effectively to grow your business? This free webinar covers it all.

market your business as an introvert

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